
Before Change

        values = numpy.empty((n_trials, n_objectives), dtype=numpy.float64)
        params = numpy.empty((n_trials, trans.bounds.shape[0]), dtype=numpy.float64)
        if self._constraints_func is not None:
            n_constraints = len(next(iter(self._trial_constraints.values())))
            con = numpy.empty((n_trials, n_constraints), dtype=numpy.float64)
            con = None

After Change

                // `constraints` can be `None` if `constraints_func` raised an error. The best we
                // can do is to fill with NaN.
                if constraints is not None:
                    n_constraints = len(constraints)
                    if con is None:
                        con = numpy.full((n_trials, n_constraints), numpy.nan, dtype=numpy.float64)

                    con[trial_idx] = constraints
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: pfnet/optuna
Commit Name: f00a6eb3828b0d1861cef489a172c0dbb465e323
Time: 2020-12-21
Author: hiroyuki.vincent.yamazaki@gmail.com
File Name: optuna/integration/botorch.py
Class Name: BoTorchSampler
Method Name: sample_relative

Project Name: sony/nnabla-examples
Commit Name: dd1740d3f5a6e587805551e7316b0e607dc1f6f4
Time: 2020-02-29
Author: sai.dyavarasetti@sony.com
File Name: object-detection/yolov2/valid.py
Class Name:
Method Name: valid

Project Name: dmlc/gluon-nlp
Commit Name: 8c4dd89b40febc9d2493b7410aac530b6968ce70
Time: 2018-08-04
Author: leonard@lausen.nl
File Name: gluonnlp/data/stream.py
Class Name: _LanguageModelBPTTStream
Method Name: __iter__