
Before Change

        if self.prior_tensor is None:
            return Compiled.NOT_COMPILED
        param_tensor = get_tensor_by_name(self.param_tensor.name, graph=graph)
        prior_tensor = get_tensor_by_name(self.prior_tensor.name, graph=graph)
        param_tensor_eq = self.param_tensor is not param_tensor
        prior_tensor_eq = self.prior_tensor is not prior_tensor
        if len(set([param_tensor_eq, prior_tensor_eq])) == 2:
            raise GPflowError("Tensors with different graphs found.")
        elif param_tensor_eq and prior_tensor_eq:
            return Compiled.COMPILED

After Change

        if self.param_tensor is None or (self.param_tensor.graph is not self.prior_tensor.graph):
            raise GPflowTensorError("Tensor inconsistency found within parameter.")

        if self.graph is graph:
            return Compiled.COMPILED

        return Compiled.NOT_COMPATIBLE_GRAPH

    def compile(self, graph=None):
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: GPflow/GPflow
Commit Name: 34f3052d50c535c5036474dd74b7d0ed85602a7a
Time: 2017-09-04
Author: art.art.v@gmail.com
File Name: gpflow/param.py
Class Name: Param
Method Name: is_compiled

Project Name: rockyzhengwu/FoolNLTK
Commit Name: f0bccfe5ba2887bf99b458310326c80ea7f1dbda
Time: 2018-01-15
Author: zhengwu314@163.com
File Name: fool/predictor.py
Class Name: NPredictor
Method Name: __init__

Project Name: marcoancona/DeepExplain
Commit Name: d0b03af329a2b2bf679ae33981f34636ce19690a
Time: 2017-11-03
Author: marco.ancona@inf.ethz.ch
File Name: deepexplain/tensorflow/methods.py
Class Name:
Method Name: deepexplain_grad