
Before Change

        console_logger.info("Number of mismatched counts: ")
        console_logger.info("\n" + pprint.pformat(mismatches_report))
        mismatches_object_ids = {key: value for key, value in mismatches_object_ids.items() if value}
        console_logger.info("\n" + pprint.pformat(mismatches_object_ids))

After Change

            if count % 10000 == 0:
                console_logger.info(message % (total, 100 * float(count + 1) / total))

        mismatches_report = defaultdict(int)
        mismatches_object_ids = defaultdict(list)

        // IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: on the code below we iterate multiple times on Sounds, Packs and Users tables.
        // This is done in this way because due to our DB structure and the way that Django ORM works, if we annotate
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: MTG/freesound
Commit Name: e3e54f3b1c4eb3c77c9979266ead374d19a98679
Time: 2017-12-11
Author: frederic.font@gmail.com
File Name: general/management/commands/report_count_statuses.py
Class Name: Command
Method Name: handle

Project Name: pantsbuild/pants
Commit Name: a4a36ff66ac3deff1ea024f58e86e003ed83bb67
Time: 2015-04-11
Author: stuhood@gmail.com
File Name: src/python/pants/backend/jvm/tasks/jvm_compile/jvm_compile_global_strategy.py
Class Name: JvmCompileGlobalStrategy
Method Name: compute_classes_by_source

Project Name: quiltdata/quilt
Commit Name: f38c4b0ee0433ac0d6696566164fc680f05817af
Time: 2019-10-30
Author: dima@quiltdata.io
File Name: api/python/quilt3/formats.py
Class Name: FormatRegistry
Method Name: all_supported_formats