
Before Change

            // prevalence(), positive_likelihood_ratio(), negative_likelihood_ratio(), diagnostics_odds_ratio() 
            // were missing "when_zero" parameter and therefore it was added in their prototypes

metrics_names = [name for names in list(metrics.values()) for name in names]

batch_size = 2
image_size = 2

After Change

                 // prevalence(), positive_likelihood_ratio(), negative_likelihood_ratio(), diagnostics_odds_ratio() 
                 // were missing "when_zero" parameter and therefore it was added in their prototypes

metrics_names = list(chain.from_iterable(metrics_dict.values())) // list of all metric names from metrics_dict values
metrics_names.remove("accuracy") // since accuracy is tested separately, it is removed from metrics_names list

batch_size = 2
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: analysiscenter/batchflow
Commit Name: 543e37e278a10165f2a9d7350945a579daa0225e
Time: 2019-06-20
Author: steve.sinobi@ya.ru
File Name: batchflow/tests/segmentation_metrics_test_brief.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: jbms/beancount-import
Commit Name: e4d313478124e00a931ec40ab25643accad88641
Time: 2020-08-06
Author: dumbpyx@gmail.com
File Name: beancount_import/source/generic_importer_source.py
Class Name: ImporterSource
Method Name: prepare

Project Name: tensorflow/datasets
Commit Name: 41f1eda45f6a55b792c66314c3c82118afe1ea02
Time: 2019-10-24
Author: epot@google.com
File Name: setup.py
Class Name:
Method Name: