Before Change
self.observation = observation
return self.vectorize(self.observation, self.history)
def batchify(self, observations):
batch = super().batchify(observations)
if self.multitask and batch.text_vec is not None:
After Change
if self.status == RATING_REQUESTED:
self.last_rating = observation["text"]
return super().observe(observation)
def batchify(self, observations):
batch = super().batchify(observations)
if self.multitask and batch.text_vec is not None:
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 3
Instances Project Name: facebookresearch/ParlAI
Commit Name: 30675d5387b9823ac8ba9503d60dc39a670f5807
Time: 2019-12-11
Author: roller@fb.com
File Name: projects/self_feeding/self_feeding_agent.py
Class Name: SelfFeedingAgent
Method Name: observe
Project Name: chainer/chainerrl
Commit Name: 99b68abc4785eaac542cb6243349dc21b4e50529
Time: 2016-08-26
Author: muupan@gmail.com
File Name: envs/simple_abc.py
Class Name: ABC
Method Name: reset
Project Name: ray-project/ray
Commit Name: 1999266bbaa82eac33a06b0b0a66821f14d77936
Time: 2020-11-09
Author: weepingwillowben@gmail.com
File Name: rllib/env/pettingzoo_env.py
Class Name: PettingZooEnv
Method Name: reset