
Before Change

        // we could use temporary directory for this with a context manager and
        // TemporaryDirecotry, but then each test that uses mnist would re-download the data
        // this way the data is not cleaned up, but we only download it once per machine
        mnist_path = osp.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "MNIST_data")
        with filelock.FileLock(mnist_path + ".lock"):
           self.mnist = input_data.read_data_sets(mnist_path)

        self.np_random = np.random.RandomState()

After Change

        // TemporaryDirecotry, but then each test that uses mnist would re-download the data
        // this way the data is not cleaned up, but we only download it once per machine
        mnist_path = osp.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "MNIST_data")
        with filelock.FileLock(mnist_path + ".lock"):
           self.mnist = input_data.read_data_sets(mnist_path)

        self.np_random = np.random.RandomState()
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: openai/baselines
Commit Name: b875fb7b5e4feb85b9f1f1bf4e78f64c75595664
Time: 2019-02-27
Author: peterzhokhoff@gmail.com
File Name: baselines/common/tests/envs/mnist_env.py
Class Name: MnistEnv
Method Name: __init__

Project Name: nipy/dipy
Commit Name: 7d93ebdcbac673beb7fd9a229dc68115f0e93557
Time: 2015-10-07
Author: arokem@gmail.com
File Name: dipy/data/tests/test_fetcher.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_make_fetcher

Project Name: NervanaSystems/nlp-architect
Commit Name: 413567b74a552a66d93bca09fe82dd52e4d4e90f
Time: 2018-05-09
Author: peter.izsak@intel.com
File Name: nlp_architect/utils/metrics.py
Class Name:
Method Name: get_conll_scores