
Before Change

        np.save(samples, np.array([X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test]))

    // Load model structure and weights.
    model = load_model(settings["filename"])

    // Extract architecture and weights from model.
    snn = SNN(model)
    if settings["verbose"] > 0:

After Change

    if len(params) > 1 and settings["verbose"] > 0:
        print("Testing SNN for hyperparameter values {} = ".format(param_name))
        print(["{:.2f}".format(i) for i in params])

    // Loop over parameter to sweep
    for p in params:
        assert param_name in settings, "Unkown parameter"
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 2


Project Name: NeuromorphicProcessorProject/snn_toolbox
Commit Name: e9e42aee59e3fc515d8826c5b785c5585cf3d633
Time: 2016-05-30
Author: bodo.rueckauer@gmail.com
File Name: snntoolbox/core/pipeline.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_full

Project Name: thoughtworksarts/EmoPy
Commit Name: c610546f20082d871de626cba2c1f0e3ae10815c
Time: 2017-12-19
Author: sadnan@thoughtworks.com
File Name: unit_tests/FacialRecognitionAPITest.py
Class Name: FacialRecognitionAPITest
Method Name: test_load_facial_recognition_api

Project Name: ellisdg/3DUnetCNN
Commit Name: 17e0377eec348971c87f5e30d132f092ffdeef0b
Time: 2017-05-19
Author: david.ellis@unmc.edu
File Name: unet3d/training.py
Class Name:
Method Name: load_old_model

Project Name: NeuromorphicProcessorProject/snn_toolbox
Commit Name: b0c5f8d943fa4c76e39bf9f7783341bc7cad0ac3
Time: 2020-01-15
Author: edwardgeorgejones@gmail.com
File Name: snntoolbox/parsing/model_libs/keras_input_lib.py
Class Name:
Method Name: load