Before Change
style_std = style_feat.std(dim=2).view(N, C, 1, 1).expand(size)
style_mean = style_feat.mean(dim=2).view(N, C, 1, 1).expand(size)
content_feat_3d = content_feat.view(N, C, -1)
content_std = content_feat_3d.std(dim=2).view(N, C, 1, 1).expand(size)
content_mean = content_feat_3d.mean(dim=2).view(N, C, 1, 1).expand(size)
normalized_feat = (content_feat - content_mean) / content_std
return normalized_feat * style_std + style_mean
After Change
content_mean = content_feat.view(N, C, -1).mean(dim=2).view(N, C, 1, 1)
normalized_feat = (content_feat - content_mean.expand(
size)) / content_std.expand(size)
return normalized_feat * style_std.expand(size) + style_mean.expand(size)
def calc_feat_flatten_mean_std(feat):
// takes 3D feat (C, H, W), return mean and std of array within channels

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 2
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