
Before Change

def readCsv(labels_dir_path):
    Function to read labels.csv file and store in memory

    readCSV = csv.DictReader(open("HAM10000_metadata.csv"))
    return readCSV

def return_label(image_name, csv_file):

After Change

def readCsv(labels_dir_path):
    Function to read labels.csv file and store in memory

    readCSV = csv.DictReader(tf.gfile.Open(labels_dir_path))
    return readCSV

def return_label(image_name, csv_file):
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: tensorflow/datasets
Commit Name: 2963472cb7a9cf99823009b12ef33dccbd493261
Time: 2019-03-11
Author: sjana646@gmail.com
File Name: tensorflow_datasets/image/ham10000.py
Class Name:
Method Name: readCsv

Project Name: googledatalab/pydatalab
Commit Name: 5ad187bca1c975d7cc030c5eac8139df51677efa
Time: 2017-03-23
Author: brandondutra@google.com
File Name: google/datalab/ml/_util.py
Class Name:
Method Name: open_local_or_gcs

Project Name: tensorflow/tcav
Commit Name: 48d0d4bc1805db873de4101579b1dc4cf029a153
Time: 2018-09-06
Author: yozhipozhi@google.com
File Name: cav.py
Class Name: CAV
Method Name: load_cav