
Before Change

        row1_1_avg = bdb.execute("SELECT AVG(y) FROM row1_1").fetchall()
        row1_1_avg = row1_1_avg[0][0]
        row1_2_avg = bdb.execute("SELECT AVG(y) FROM row1_2").fetchall()
        row1_2_avg = row1_2_avg[0][0]
        // We expect these values to be close to each other, because conditioning
        // on _rowid_ decouples the dependencies between other variables in the
        // CrossCat metamodel.
        assert abs(row1_1_avg - row1_2_avg) < 2

After Change

            LIMIT 100
        row1_1_avg = bdb.execute("SELECT AVG(y) FROM row1_1").fetchall()[0][0]
        row1_2_avg = bdb.execute("SELECT AVG(y) FROM row1_2").fetchall()[0][0]
        // We expect these values to be close to each other, because conditioning
        // on _rowid_ decouples the dependencies between other variables in the
        // CrossCat metamodel, so the additional condition on w should have no
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 8

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: probcomp/bayeslite
Commit Name: 0bb3b9b7482e37e894469fdd9b2e2a45c3fe5355
Time: 2016-10-21
Author: fsaad@mit.edu
File Name: tests/test_simulate.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_simulate_given_rowid_multivariate

Project Name: probcomp/bayeslite
Commit Name: 0bb3b9b7482e37e894469fdd9b2e2a45c3fe5355
Time: 2016-10-21
Author: fsaad@mit.edu
File Name: tests/test_simulate.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_simulate_given_rowid

Project Name: biolab/orange3
Commit Name: cadb25e937fc9480dd6a8954b476f43c229eeb5f
Time: 2014-03-25
Author: lan.zagar@fri.uni-lj.si
File Name: Orange/feature/discretization.py
Class Name: EqualFreq
Method Name: __call__

Project Name: probcomp/bayeslite
Commit Name: 45a3451ad953963377f9ef513830139a6ad16eea
Time: 2017-06-28
Author: fsaad@mit.edu
File Name: tests/test_cgpm.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_using_modelnos

Project Name: biolab/orange3
Commit Name: cadb25e937fc9480dd6a8954b476f43c229eeb5f
Time: 2014-03-25
Author: lan.zagar@fri.uni-lj.si
File Name: Orange/feature/discretization.py
Class Name: EqualWidth
Method Name: __call__

Project Name: akkana/scripts
Commit Name: 76b3b041109b8fa319b47f942998b8782d81878e
Time: 2021-04-08
Author: akkana@shallowsky.com
File Name: browser_cookies.py
Class Name:
Method Name: get_firefox_cookies

Project Name: tensorflow/minigo
Commit Name: 57970ccdca3e8a7b5cc30abde5bfbd835632eae7
Time: 2019-08-12
Author: jacksona@google.com
File Name: oneoffs/opening_freqs_export.py
Class Name:
Method Name: create_hourly_reports

Project Name: probcomp/bayeslite
Commit Name: 7c7e91b23c083e4ff022a6dc0145e71e0c8fc232
Time: 2015-02-19
Author: riastradh+probcomp@csail.mit.edu
File Name: src/schema.py
Class Name:
Method Name: bayesdb_install_schema