
Before Change

        assert pool
        // the ctx manager will close and remove the processes, so we have to start new ones every time...
        with pool:
            res = pool(task_iter)
    // if n_jobs=1 don"t invoke the pool, but directly dispatch the iterator
        res = []
        for estimator, param_set in zip(estimators, param_sets):

After Change

        if progress_reporter is not None:
            progress_reporter._progress_register(len(estimators), stage=0, description="estimating %s" % str(estimator.__class__.__name__))
            from pyemma._base.model import SampledModel
            for a in args:
                if isinstance(a[0], SampledModel):
                    a[0].show_progress = False

        def callback(_):
            progress_reporter._progress_update(1, stage=0)

        with pool:
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: markovmodel/PyEMMA
Commit Name: 83afa41b90bf670e905ff44f013665242c350f51
Time: 2017-08-28
Author: m.scherer@fu-berlin.de
File Name: pyemma/_base/estimator.py
Class Name:
Method Name: estimate_param_scan

Project Name: onnx/onnx-tensorflow
Commit Name: 47462402c76719b29b043dd8b4f4e785254730ab
Time: 2019-10-17
Author: sdmonov@us.ibm.com
File Name: onnx_tf/handlers/backend/pool_mixin.py
Class Name: PoolMixin
Method Name: pool_v10

Project Name: onnx/onnx-tensorflow
Commit Name: 611be2ba4a19a1eb3ff21993af1d5ae5870639b9
Time: 2019-10-17
Author: sdmonov@us.ibm.com
File Name: onnx_tf/handlers/backend/pool_mixin.py
Class Name: PoolMixin
Method Name: pool_v10