
Before Change

    // R code: if (length(xi) != lag * differences)
    // R code:   stop(""xi" does not have the right length")
    if xi is None:
        xi = np.ndarray(shape=[1, lag * differences], dtype=float)

    if xi.shape[1] != (lag * differences):
        raise IndexError(""xi" does not have the right length")

After Change

    if x.ndim == 1:
        return _diff_inv_vector(x, lag, differences, xi)
    elif x.ndim == 2:
        return _diff_inv_matrix(x, lag, differences, xi)
    raise ValueError("only vector and matrix inverse differencing "
                     "are supported")

Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: tgsmith61591/pmdarima
Commit Name: ea36b28c92b4f5f8314707051ee936fd2393bfd5
Time: 2019-11-25
Author: tgsmith61591@gmail.com
File Name: pmdarima/utils/array.py
Class Name:
Method Name: diff_inv

Project Name: automl/SMAC3
Commit Name: bbdd942f557819eb3a94015826dc59258b84a2fc
Time: 2016-11-17
Author: marius.rks@googlemail.com
File Name: smac/epm/rf_with_instances.py
Class Name: RandomForestWithInstances
Method Name: predict

Project Name: mathics/Mathics
Commit Name: 50ad5851edd83940e72b8bbd3e8e4a6acbc7b445
Time: 2016-09-15
Author: Bernhard.Liebl@gmx.org
File Name: mathics/builtin/image.py
Class Name: ColorNegate
Method Name: apply