
Before Change

    filepath = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(filepath))
    if make_dirs is True:
        _make_dirs(filepath, mode)
    elif mode.startswith("r") and not os.path.isfile(filepath):
        raise OSError("file "{}" does not exist".format(filepath))

    compression = _get_compression(filepath, compression)

After Change

        raise ValueError("encoding only applicable for text mode")

    // normalize filepath and make dirs, as needed
    filepath = utils.to_path(filepath).resolve()
    if make_dirs is True:
        _make_dirs(filepath, mode)
    elif mode.startswith("r") and not filepath.is_file():
        raise OSError("file "{}" does not exist".format(filepath))

    compression = _get_compression(filepath, compression)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: chartbeat-labs/textacy
Commit Name: e8bd84284e3ac61bff123427a80218c3e5f76583
Time: 2019-08-09
Author: burtdewilde@gmail.com
File Name: textacy/io/utils.py
Class Name:
Method Name: open_sesame

Project Name: hyperspy/hyperspy
Commit Name: 629167ee324a0b955ef46cd5a0cd7bb504ef8c44
Time: 2020-09-09
Author: tjof2@cam.ac.uk
File Name: hyperspy/extensions.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: chartbeat-labs/textacy
Commit Name: e9370c85bb3f95e7308a2ebd527899bef02dd5b0
Time: 2019-08-09
Author: burtdewilde@gmail.com
File Name: textacy/datasets/utils.py
Class Name:
Method Name: download_file