Before Change
raise ValueError("Some of the given input files were directories"
" or did not exist:\n%s" % err_msg)
if all_exist:
// we need to check for h5 first, because of mdtraj custom HDF5 traj format (which is deprecated).
if suffix in [".h5", ".hdf5"]:
// TODO: inspect if it is a mdtraj h5 file, eg. has the given attributes
from mdtraj.formats import HDF5TrajectoryFile
reader = FeatureReader(input_list, featurizer=featurizer, topologyfile=topology,
from pyemma.coordinates.data.h5_reader import H5Reader
reader = H5Reader(filenames=input_files, chunk_size=chunksize, **kw)
// CASE 1.1: file types are MD files
elif FeatureReader.supports_format(suffix):
// check: do we either have a featurizer or a topology file name? If not: raise ValueError.
// create a MD reader with file names and topology
if not featurizer and not topology:
raise ValueError("The input files were MD files which makes it mandatory to have either a "
"featurizer or a topology file.")
reader = FeatureReader(input_list, featurizer=featurizer, topologyfile=topology,
if suffix in [".npy", ".npz"]:
reader = NumPyFileReader(input_list, chunksize=chunksize)
// otherwise we assume that given files are ascii tabulated data
reader = PyCSVReader(input_list, chunksize=chunksize, **kw)
raise ValueError("Not all elements in the input list were of the type %s!" % suffix)
raise ValueError("Input \"%s\" was no string or list of strings." % input)
After Change
// do all the files exist? If not: Raise value error
all_exist = True
from six import StringIO
err_msg = StringIO()
for item in input_list:
if not os.path.isfile(item):
err_msg.write("\n" if err_msg.tell() > 0 else "")
err_msg.write("File %s did not exist or was no file" % item)
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 3
Instances Project Name: markovmodel/PyEMMA
Commit Name: e57cb3a32733ea69f91e80378d3828a458581a1e
Time: 2018-11-22
Author: m.scherer@fu-berlin.de
File Name: pyemma/coordinates/data/util/reader_utils.py
Class Name:
Method Name: create_file_reader
Project Name: prody/ProDy
Commit Name: e93f4d4dcd70fc3eaf87779fc9f0b34f98e04ac8
Time: 2012-10-17
Author: lordnapi@gmail.com
File Name: lib/prody/utilities/pathtools.py
Class Name:
Method Name: gunzip
Project Name: vatlab/SoS
Commit Name: 97a77b0a7fcb34c422d0150fff101946f77c745a
Time: 2017-07-13
Author: ben.bob@gmail.com
File Name: src/sos/converter.py
Class Name:
Method Name: script_to_html