
Before Change

    def name(self):
        Return the name of the binary sensor.
        return hub.get_first(
            self._device_label) + " door window"

    def is_on(self):
        Return the state of the sensor.

After Change

    def name(self):
        Return the name of the binary sensor.
        return hub.get_first(

    def is_on(self):
        Return the state of the sensor.
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: home-assistant/home-assistant
Commit Name: 31f17a91e655967067e3bf531bb240d84d74b148
Time: 2017-06-29
Author: per.j.sandstrom@gmail.com
File Name: homeassistant/components/binary_sensor/verisure.py
Class Name: VerisureDoorWindowSensor
Method Name: name

Project Name: home-assistant/home-assistant
Commit Name: 31f17a91e655967067e3bf531bb240d84d74b148
Time: 2017-06-29
Author: per.j.sandstrom@gmail.com
File Name: homeassistant/components/camera/verisure.py
Class Name: VerisureSmartcam
Method Name: name

Project Name: home-assistant/home-assistant
Commit Name: 31f17a91e655967067e3bf531bb240d84d74b148
Time: 2017-06-29
Author: per.j.sandstrom@gmail.com
File Name: homeassistant/components/switch/verisure.py
Class Name: VerisureSmartplug
Method Name: name

Project Name: home-assistant/home-assistant
Commit Name: 31f17a91e655967067e3bf531bb240d84d74b148
Time: 2017-06-29
Author: per.j.sandstrom@gmail.com
File Name: homeassistant/components/lock/verisure.py
Class Name: VerisureDoorlock
Method Name: name