seeds, affine=None,
streamlines = list(streamline_generator)
We can visualize the streamlines using ``fvtk.line`` or ``fvtk.streamtube``.
fvtk.add(ren, fvtk.line(streamlines, line_colors(streamlines)))
print("Saving illustration as csd_streamlines_eudx.png")
fvtk.record(ren, out_path="csd_streamlines_eudx.png", size=(900, 900))
.. figure:: csd_streamlines_eudx.png
:align: center
**CSD-based streamlines using EuDX**
We used above ``fvtk.record`` because we want to create a figure for the
tutorial but you can visualize the same objects in 3D using
To learn more about this process you could start playing with the number of
seed points or, even better, specify seeds to be in specific regions of interest
in the brain.
``fvtk`` gives some minimal interactivity however you can save the resulting
streamlines in a Trackvis (.trk) format and load them for example with the
Fibernavigator_ or another tool for medical visualization.
Finally, let"s save the streamlines as a (.trk) file and FA as a Nifti image.
from nibabel.streamlines import save as save_trk
from nibabel.streamlines import Tractogram
import nibabel as nib
save_trk(Tractogram(streamlines, img.affine), "csd_streamline.trk"), img.affine), "FA_map.nii.gz")