
Before Change

        torch.Tensor: the nornmalized pixel coordinates.
    if len(pixel_coordinates.shape) != 4 and pixel_coordinates.shape[-1] != 2:
        raise ValueError("Input pixel_coordinates must be of shape BxHxWx2. "
                         "Got {}".format(pixel_coordinates.shape))

    // unpack pixel coordinates
    u_coord, v_coord = torch.chunk(pixel_coordinates, dim=-1, chunks=2)

After Change

        torch.tensor(width), torch.tensor(height)]

    factor: torch.Tensor = torch.tensor(2.) / (hw - torch.tensor(1.))

    // normalize coordinates and return
    pixel_coordinates_norm: torch.Tensor = \
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: arraiy/torchgeometry
Commit Name: 2f49884ff8169422cbb711e18e94464efc59789c
Time: 2019-05-04
Author: edgar.riba@gmail.com
File Name: torchgeometry/core/pinhole.py
Class Name:
Method Name: normalize_pixel_coordinates

Project Name: arraiy/torchgeometry
Commit Name: dac6839364405ff932bc33a5ca7845cba4f8b4ce
Time: 2019-10-07
Author: edgar.riba@gmail.com
File Name: kornia/color/adjust.py
Class Name:
Method Name: adjust_brightness

Project Name: uber/pyro
Commit Name: f6e75e7593d5305b1b6c9ce1a5b2eee8a3c7f38a
Time: 2019-11-15
Author: fritzo@uber.com
File Name: tests/infer/test_smcfilter.py
Class Name: SmokeGuide
Method Name: step