Before Change
def load(cls, db_path, db_type):
raise NotImplementedError
After Change
def load(cls, db_path, db_type, *args, **kwargs):
ws = Workspace()
with ws._ctx:
net = prepare_prediction_net(db_path, db_type)
// TODO: reconstruct pem if so the predictor can be saved back
return cls(pem=None, ws=ws, predict_net=net)

Frequency: 4
Non-data size: 4
Project Name: facebookresearch/Horizon
Commit Name: 27cb23d31e158066bd4af7333a7c958b24d4d167
Time: 2018-10-29
Author: kittipat@fb.com
File Name: ml/rl/training/_parametric_dqn_predictor.py
Class Name: _ParametricDQNPredictor
Method Name: load
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Time: 2017-11-23
Author: ol.gure@gmail.com
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Class Name: DatasetReader
Method Name: from_params
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Time: 2017-04-03
Author: adrien.ball@snips.net
File Name: snips_nlu/intent_parser/builtin_intent_parser.py
Class Name: BuiltinIntentParser
Method Name: from_dict
Project Name: RasaHQ/rasa
Commit Name: 58ff812b1269753c8c0ad0e47ec2a0ca02ef0a1f
Time: 2020-09-10
Author: 20581300+ricwo@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: rasa/core/policies/policy.py
Class Name: Policy
Method Name: load