
Before Change

                                                               for i, x in gold_indices_with_ids]

        assert (["Hong", "Kong"], 0) in gold_mentions_with_ids
        gold_mentions_with_ids.remove((["Hong", "Kong"], 0))
        assert (["Hong", "Kong"], 0) in gold_mentions_with_ids
        assert (["their"], 1) in gold_mentions_with_ids
        // This is a span which exceeds our max_span_width, so it should not be considered.
        assert not (["these", "well", "known", "cartoon", "images"], 1) in gold_mentions_with_ids

After Change

                                          (["Denise", "Dillon"], 2)]

        // Now check that we don"t collect spans greater than the max width.
        conll_reader = ConllCorefReader(max_span_width=2)
        dataset = conll_reader.read("tests/fixtures/conll_2012/")

        instances = dataset.instances
        fields = instances[0].fields
        text = [x.text for x in fields["text"].tokens]
        span_starts = fields["span_starts"].field_list
        span_ends = fields["span_ends"].field_list
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: allenai/allennlp
Commit Name: 85b2c2d2b9fa8bbaa3335d889c610e46d253e6cc
Time: 2018-01-03
Author: markn@allenai.org
File Name: tests/data/dataset_readers/coref_reader_test.py
Class Name: TestCorefReader
Method Name: test_read_from_file

Project Name: daniellerch/aletheia
Commit Name: 1bcad437d2c1b57d582b893427bd53cd90eeafbf
Time: 2019-05-12
Author: dlerch@gmail.com
File Name: aletheia/feaext.py
Class Name:
Method Name: extract_features

Project Name: tyarkoni/pliers
Commit Name: c3b334e73b33a046d912de419d8d9110dbce52e5
Time: 2017-03-23
Author: quinten.mcnamara@gmail.com
File Name: pliers/google.py
Class Name: GoogleVisionAPITransformer
Method Name: _build_request