
Before Change

        Wrapper for the theano.function(). Compiles a theano graph into a
        python function.
        return theano.function([argument], objective)

    def compute_gradient(self, objective, argument):

After Change

        Wrapper for the theano.function(). Compiles a theano graph into a
        python function.
        return theano.function([arg for arg in argument], objective)

    def compute_gradient(self, objective, argument):
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: pymanopt/pymanopt
Commit Name: 3c3732ae7c48a2ec8078ce0e07ea09165fa244e5
Time: 2016-02-22
Author: git@sweichwald.de
File Name: pymanopt/tools/autodiff/_theano.py
Class Name: TheanoBackend
Method Name: compile_function

Project Name: NeuromorphicProcessorProject/snn_toolbox
Commit Name: 858e82aade1b6439b9284e8baa836a23003583c1
Time: 2016-11-23
Author: bodo.rueckauer@gmail.com
File Name: ann_architectures/cifar10/cnn_lasagne.py
Class Name:
Method Name: build_network

Project Name: pymanopt/pymanopt
Commit Name: 6ad647899d044cb46be6172cbea9c93a369ddc78
Time: 2016-01-08
Author: niklas.koep@gmail.com
File Name: pymanopt/solvers/theano_functions/comp_diff.py
Class Name:
Method Name: gradient