
Before Change

    :return: A tensor of shape ``truth.shape``.
    :rtype: torch.Tensor
    if pred.dim() != 1 + truth.dim() or pred.shape[1:] != truth.shape:
        raise ValueError("Expected pred to have one extra sample dim on left. "
                         "Actual shapes: {} versus {}".format(pred.shape, truth.shape))
    opts = dict(device=pred.device, dtype=pred.dtype)

After Change

    :return: A tensor of shape ``truth.shape``.
    :rtype: torch.Tensor
    if pred.shape[1:] != (1,) * (pred.dim() - truth.dim() - 1) + truth.shape:
        raise ValueError("Expected pred to have one extra sample dim on left. "
                         "Actual shapes: {} versus {}".format(pred.shape, truth.shape))
    opts = dict(device=pred.device, dtype=pred.dtype)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: uber/pyro
Commit Name: f7f81b99e4d28649838caa7ab344ff417ee70877
Time: 2020-03-07
Author: fritzo@uber.com
File Name: pyro/ops/stats.py
Class Name:
Method Name: crps_empirical

Project Name: uber/pyro
Commit Name: 1f005c8836599fbc2e53d2f729dc6bdd4d840308
Time: 2020-03-19
Author: fehiepsi@gmail.com
File Name: pyro/ops/gaussian.py
Class Name: Gaussian
Method Name: condition

Project Name: cornellius-gp/gpytorch
Commit Name: 979b8c9efa551e8c948a4aca145367a2d87ac8d6
Time: 2019-02-26
Author: balandat@fb.com
File Name: gpytorch/distributions/multivariate_normal.py
Class Name: _MultivariateNormalBase
Method Name: rsample