
Before Change

    Determine (minimum) chromosome lengths from target coordinates.
    out = {}
    for chrom, target_region in iteritems(target_chroms):
        endpoint = max(end for _start, end in target_region)
        // Put the tuple inside a list for compatibility w/ group_coords
        out[chrom] = [(telomere_size, endpoint)]
    return out

After Change

def guess_chromosome_regions(target_chroms, telomere_size):
    Determine (minimum) chromosome lengths from target coordinates.
    endpoints = [target_region[len(target_region) - 1, "end"]
                 for _chrom, target_region in target_chroms.iteritems()]
    whole_chroms = RA.from_columns({"chromosome": target_chroms.keys(),
                                    "start": telomere_size,
                                    "end": endpoints})
    return dict(whole_chroms.by_chromosome())

def find_background_regions(access_chroms, target_chroms, pad_size):
    Take coordinates of accessible regions and targets; emit antitargets.
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: etal/cnvkit
Commit Name: 89361f771b5076918b1ce9be9a7d4f2738569ae0
Time: 2015-11-09
Author: eric.talevich@gmail.com
File Name: cnvlib/antitarget.py
Class Name:
Method Name: guess_chromosome_regions

Project Name: theislab/scanpy
Commit Name: fc840961c4a9f49cfcea975d01f79e5345fc521e
Time: 2019-02-12
Author: flying-sheep@web.de
File Name: scanpy/tools/_tsne.py
Class Name:
Method Name: tsne

Project Name: rlworkgroup/garage
Commit Name: 5e11b5f80351db52dfdda4311c505a47ed9abcb5
Time: 2020-01-10
Author: zequnyu@usc.edu
File Name: src/garage/tf/algos/batch_polopt.py
Class Name: BatchPolopt
Method Name: process_samples