
Before Change

        "legends", "legend_margin", "legend_padding", "legend_spacing"

    location = Either(Enum(LegendLocation), Tuple(Float, Float), default="top_right", help=
    The location where the legend should draw itself. It"s either one of
    ``bokeh.core.enums.LegendLocation``"s enumerated values, or a ``(x, y)``
    tuple indicating an absolute location absolute location in screen
    coordinates (pixels from the bottom-left corner).

    orientation = Enum(Orientation, default="vertical", help=
    Whether the legend entries should be placed vertically or horizontally
    when they are layed out.

After Change

        "legends", "legend_margin", "legend_padding", "legend_spacing"

    location = Either(Enum(LegendLocation), Tuple(Float, Float), default="top_right", help=
    The location where the legend should draw itself. It"s either one of
    ``bokeh.core.enums.LegendLocation``"s enumerated values, or a ``(x, y)``
    tuple indicating an absolute location absolute location in screen
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: bokeh/bokeh
Commit Name: 19f62812a39d4b978f47771db926af001f812ce2
Time: 2016-12-09
Author: mattpap@gmail.com
File Name: bokeh/models/annotations.py
Class Name: Legend
Method Name: Legend_1

Project Name: bokeh/bokeh
Commit Name: 701d9f9f43095e13816eaf0acd6855e2b6d10488
Time: 2021-02-22
Author: mattpap@gmail.com
File Name: bokeh/models/widgets/inputs.py
Class Name: Select
Method Name: Select_1

Project Name: bokeh/bokeh
Commit Name: 0e2e3d82a66be5cf0879e46292a5cac661f4f007
Time: 2017-06-19
Author: bryanv@continuum.io
File Name: bokeh/models/annotations.py
Class Name: Legend
Method Name: Legend_1