Before Change
def transform_non_affine(self, a):
logit transform (base 10), masked or clipped
with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
a = np.select(
[a <= 0, a >= 1], [self._fill_value, 1 - self._fill_value], a)
return np.log10(a / (1 - a))
def inverted(self):
return LogisticTransform(self._nonpos)
After Change
def transform_non_affine(self, a):
logit transform (base 10), masked or clipped
with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
out = np.log10(a / (1 - a))
if self._clip: // See LogTransform for choice of clip value.
out[a <= 0] = -1000
out[1 <= a] = 1000
return out
def inverted(self):

Frequency: 4
Non-data size: 4
Project Name: matplotlib/matplotlib
Commit Name: 07a9450b407ee5dc89b82e388840d510b009ef3e
Time: 2017-10-20
Author: anntzer.lee@gmail.com
File Name: lib/matplotlib/scale.py
Class Name: LogitTransform
Method Name: transform_non_affine
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Time: 2015-12-22
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Class Name:
Method Name:
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Time: 2017-10-25
Author: tcaswell@gmail.com
File Name: lib/matplotlib/scale.py
Class Name: LogitTransform
Method Name: transform_non_affine
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Time: 2020-01-22
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Class Name: S3PaymentService
Method Name: adapter