if len(self.submissionQueue[traj]) == 0:
ak = self._computeGainSequenceAk(self.paramDict,self.counter["varsUpdate"][traj],traj) // Compute the new ak
self.optVarsHist[traj][self.counter["varsUpdate"][traj]] = {}
varK = copy.deepcopy(self.counter["recentOptHist"][traj][0]["inputs"])varKPlus,modded = self._generateVarsUpdateConstrained(traj,ak,gradient,varK)
//check for redundant paths
if len(self.optTrajLive) > 1 and self.counter["solutionUpdate"][traj] > 0:
self._removeRedundantTraj(traj, varKPlus)
// if trajectory was killed for redundancy, continue on to check next trajectory for readiness
After Change
elif reason in ["seeking new opt point","received recommended point"]:
self.nextActionNeeded = ("add more opt point evaluations",traj)
elif reason in "failed run":
self.nextActionNeeded = ("add more opt point evaluations",traj)
if len(self.submissionQueue[traj]) == 0:
gradient = self.counter["gradientHistory"][traj][0]