Before Change
mx_key = key
mx_percent = 0.0
mx_key = int(mx_key)
for i in range(mx_key - self.WINDOW, mx_key + 1):
current = 0
// Finding center of current window
After Change
mx = 0
interval = 0
// Finding the total numnber of events
total = sum(d.values())
// Finding the key with the largest value (interval with most events)
mx_key = int(max(d.iterkeys(), key=(lambda key: d[key])))
mx_percent = 0.0
Frequency: 6
Non-data size: 4
Instances Project Name: austin-taylor/flare
Commit Name: 99caf8c4ad819a460332fac56009f32df625283f
Time: 2017-06-13
Author: jburkert82@gmail.com
File Name: flare/analytics/command_control.py
Class Name: elasticBeacon
Method Name: percent_grouping
Project Name: facebookresearch/ParlAI
Commit Name: bda270d6255bca6c9518f4f6e8d2cdee8cd6a40c
Time: 2018-08-29
Author: ahm@fb.com
File Name: parlai/agents/seq2seq/modules.py
Class Name: Encoder
Method Name: forward
Project Name: WheatonCS/Lexos
Commit Name: 3227c2ed4ae92c6b9ecfc1b2c614ff4c36bd9fd0
Time: 2017-07-21
Author: weltch1997@gmail.com
File Name: lexos/processors/analyze/information.py
Class Name: FileInformation
Method Name: __init__
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Commit Name: 631d4ee2ece28da70d6e22201129f39b4f1dc586
Time: 2020-10-26
Author: matthias.fey@tu-dortmund.de
File Name: torch_geometric/data/temporal.py
Class Name: TemporalData
Method Name: train_val_test_split
Project Name: pyprob/pyprob
Commit Name: d8f8ac953bc290739aa32a0ad277d53820d4473a
Time: 2017-08-05
Author: atilimgunes.baydin@gmail.com
File Name: pyprob/modules.py
Class Name: ProposalUniformDiscrete
Method Name: loss
Project Name: WZBSocialScienceCenter/tmtoolkit
Commit Name: 098f69b7c2282a556fc0b57d37b70328457de834
Time: 2017-10-11
Author: markus.konrad@wzb.eu
File Name: tmtoolkit/lda_utils/evaluation_lda.py
Class Name: MultiprocEvaluationWorkerLDA
Method Name: fit_model_using_params