
Before Change

                // Send to device and wrap as variable
                batch = self.wrap_batch(batch)
                // Separate inputs from targets
                inputs, target = batch[0:-1], batch[-1]
                // Compute prediction
                prediction = self.apply_model(*inputs)
                // Compute loss
                loss = self.criterion(prediction, target)

After Change

                // Send to device and wrap as variable
                batch = self.wrap_batch(batch)
                // Separate inputs from targets
                inputs, target = self.split_batch(batch, from_loader="train")
                // Compute prediction
                prediction = self.apply_model(*inputs)
                // Compute loss
                loss = self.criterion(prediction, target)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: inferno-pytorch/inferno
Commit Name: 58ec778168b21852fe87d953aa108b042d5f6e1d
Time: 2017-07-28
Author: nasim.rahaman@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
File Name: inferno/trainers/basic.py
Class Name: Trainer
Method Name: train_for

Project Name: HyperGAN/HyperGAN
Commit Name: 5731a35c9e2dd637c2d442893367330fc88cc48a
Time: 2018-08-28
Author: mikkel@255bits.com
File Name: examples/next-frame-only-c.py
Class Name: AliNextFrameGAN
Method Name: create

Project Name: inferno-pytorch/inferno
Commit Name: 58ec778168b21852fe87d953aa108b042d5f6e1d
Time: 2017-07-28
Author: nasim.rahaman@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
File Name: inferno/trainers/basic.py
Class Name: Trainer
Method Name: validate_for