
Before Change

        not_allowed_references = set(self._module.excludedimports)
        // Remove references between module nodes, as if they are not imported from "name"
        for item in not_allowed_references:
                excluded_node = mod_graph.findNode(item)
                if excluded_node is not None:
                    logger.info("Excluding import "%s"" % item)

                    safe_to_remove = self._remove_module_references(excluded_node, mod_graph,
                    // If no other modules reference the excluded_node then it is safe to remove
                    // all references to excluded_node and its all submodules.
                    // NOTE: Removing references from graph will keep some dead branches that
                    //       are not reachable from the top-level script. But import hoosks
                    //       for modules in dead branches will get processed!
                    // TODO Find out a way to remove unreachable branches in the graph. - Create a new graph object that will be constructed just from the top-level script?
                    if safe_to_remove:
                        submodule_list = set()
                        // First find submodules.
                        for subnode in mod_graph.nodes():
                            if subnode.identifier.startswith(excluded_node.identifier + "."):
                        // Then remove references to those submodules.
                        for mod in submodule_list:
                            mod_referers = mod_graph.getReferers(mod)
                            for mod_ref in mod_referers:
                                mod_graph.removeReference(mod_ref, mod)
                            logger.warn("  Removing import "%s"" % mod.identifier)
                        // Remove the parent node itself.
                        logger.warn("  Removing import "%s"" % item)

                    logger.info("Excluded import "%s" not found" % item)
            except ImportError:
                // excludedimport could not be found.
                // modulegraph raises ImporError when a module is not found.
                logger.info("Excluded import "%s" not found" % item)

    def _process_datas(self, mod_graph):
        "datas" is a list of globs of files or
        directories to bundle as datafiles. For each

After Change

                logger.info("Import to be excluded not found: %r", item)
            logger.info("Excluding import %r", item)

        // Remove references between module nodes, as though they would
        // not be imported from "name".
        for src in hooked_mods:
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: pyinstaller/pyinstaller
Commit Name: 98100abde55f1fb0ab455f95b9259c3adcdbab2c
Time: 2015-10-19
Author: h.goebel@crazy-compilers.com
File Name: PyInstaller/building/imphook.py
Class Name: ImportHook
Method Name: _process_excludedimports

Project Name: sahana/eden
Commit Name: af96485679049ebacca8877c9ca4b444ae6aed12
Time: 2020-04-13
Author: dominic@nursix.org
File Name: modules/s3db/hms.py
Class Name:
Method Name: hms_hospital_rheader

Project Name: deepgram/kur
Commit Name: f9e27737834aa42092518755743a26a4785e198c
Time: 2017-01-31
Author: ajsyp@syptech.net
File Name: kur/providers/batch_provider.py
Class Name: BatchProvider
Method Name: __iter__

Project Name: pyinstaller/pyinstaller
Commit Name: 22c60de32fd53c362ccdba52c6ee648e4ad6ae6c
Time: 2017-08-11
Author: xoviat@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: PyInstaller/depend/utils.py
Class Name:
Method Name: __recursivly_scan_code_objects_for_ctypes