Before Change
for j in range(n):
_count.append(_dist(ind[i], ind[j]))
// get the indices of points with most shared neighbours
temp = sorted(range(len(_count)), key=_count.__getitem__, reverse=True)
temp.remove(i) // remove the point of being a reference to itself
return refSet
After Change
for i in range(n):
// get the previous cached result
// the point with itself needed to maintain indices order
_count[i:, range(i+1)] = list(_count[range(i),i]) + [self.n_neighbors]
for j in range(i+1, n):
_count[i,j] = _dist(ind[i], ind[j])
return np.flip(np.argsort(_count), axis=1)[:,range(self.ref_set)]
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 4
Instances Project Name: yzhao062/pyod
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Class Name: SOD
Method Name: _snn
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Time: 2018-05-12
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Class Name:
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