
Before Change

    // from one test to another.
    // make sure we don"t carry over bad plots from former tests
    msg = ("no of open figs: {} -> find the last test with " "
           "python tests.py -v" and add a "@cleanup" decorator.")
    assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 0, msg.format(plt.get_fignums())

After Change

    mpl.rcdefaults()  // Start with all defaults
    mpl.rcParams["text.hinting"] = True
    mpl.rcParams["text.antialiased"] = True
    mpl.rcParams["text.hinting_factor"] = 8

    // make sure we don"t carry over bad plots from former tests
    msg = ("no of open figs: {} -> find the last test with " "
           "python tests.py -v" and add a "@cleanup" decorator.")
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: has2k1/plotnine
Commit Name: e41afd3c49c9357b26958c8616a4a5f3c6fc1d44
Time: 2016-08-11
Author: has2k1@gmail.com
File Name: ggplotx/tests/conftest.py
Class Name:
Method Name: _setup

Project Name: biolab/orange3
Commit Name: faaa9683764e14d67a483b6948a96577a045f4f2
Time: 2016-09-23
Author: janez.demsar@fri.uni-lj.si
File Name: Orange/widgets/visualize/owboxplot.py
Class Name: OWBoxPlot
Method Name: set_data

Project Name: IDSIA/sacred
Commit Name: 18f233c6f2d8b7866d6d93fcaeb8256045b54913
Time: 2016-01-13
Author: qwlouse@gmail.com
File Name: setup.py
Class Name: PyTest
Method Name: finalize_options

Project Name: IDSIA/sacred
Commit Name: 8a213804d9bb74bca3ce7ce0052a71f86f7b41fc
Time: 2016-01-17
Author: qwlouse@gmail.com
File Name: setup.py
Class Name: PyTest
Method Name: finalize_options