// Create the queue for the thread
inputProcessingqueue = Queue()
globaldata.ip_profiles["1"] = "test"
// Create the thread and start it
inputProcessThread = InputProcessing(inputProcessingqueue, args.verbose, args.debug, config)
After Change
// Profile thread
// Create the queue for the profile thread
profilerProcessQueue = Queue()
// Create the profile thread and start it
profilerProcessThread = ProfilerProcess(profilerProcessQueue, outputProcessQueue, args.verbose, args.debug, config, args.width)
outputProcessQueue.put("Started profiler thread")
// Input thread
// Create the queue for the input thread
newstdin = os.fdopen(os.dup(sys.stdin.fileno()))
inputProcessQueue = Queue()
// Create the input thread and start it
inputProcessThread = InputProcess(inputProcessQueue, outputProcessQueue, profilerProcessQueue, args.verbose, args.debug, newstdin, config)
outputProcessQueue.put("Started input thread")