
Before Change

  def initial_global_state(self):
    Returns the initial global state for the GaussianAverageQuery.
    sum_global_state = self._numerator.initial_global_state()
    return self._GlobalState(sum_global_state, float(self._denominator))

  def derive_sample_params(self, global_state):
    Given the global state, derives parameters to use for the next sample.

After Change

  def initial_global_state(self):
    Returns the initial global state for the GaussianAverageQuery.
    // GaussianAverageQuery has no global state beyond the numerator state.
    return self._numerator.initial_global_state()

  def derive_sample_params(self, global_state):
    Given the global state, derives parameters to use for the next sample.
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: tensorflow/privacy
Commit Name: e566967ff6405ae8f0f9c0713d295ef1f6fe576f
Time: 2019-03-08
Author: galenandrew@google.com
File Name: privacy/optimizers/gaussian_query.py
Class Name: GaussianAverageQuery
Method Name: initial_global_state

Project Name: tensorflow/privacy
Commit Name: e566967ff6405ae8f0f9c0713d295ef1f6fe576f
Time: 2019-03-08
Author: galenandrew@google.com
File Name: privacy/optimizers/gaussian_query.py
Class Name: GaussianSumQuery
Method Name: initial_global_state

Project Name: tensorflow/privacy
Commit Name: 5ad8676d38b9ca37b82ebbc39d941d6a2888f1bc
Time: 2020-08-06
Author: schien@google.com
File Name: tensorflow_privacy/privacy/dp_query/gaussian_query.py
Class Name: GaussianSumQuery
Method Name: make_global_state