
Before Change

    // All generators from the Boiler Generator Association table (860)
    gens8 = bga8.drop_duplicates(
        subset=["plant_id_eia", "plant_id_pudl", "generator_id"])
    // All generators from the generation table (923)/
    gens9 = g9_summed.drop_duplicates(
        subset=["plant_id_eia", "plant_id_pudl", "generator_id",

After Change

    // Find all the generator records that were ever missing a boiler:
    unassociated_generators = gens[~gens["boiler_generator_assn"]]
    // Create a list of plants with unassociated generators, by year.
    unassociated_plants = unassociated_generators.\
        drop_duplicates(subset=[id_col, "report_date"]).\
        drop(["generator_id", "boiler_id", "boiler_generator_assn"], axis=1)
    // Tag those plant-years as being unassociated
    unassociated_plants["plant_assn"] = False

    // Merge the plant association flag back in to the generators
    gens = pd.merge(gens, unassociated_plants, how="left",
                    on=["plant_id_eia", "plant_id_pudl", "report_date"])
    // Tag the rest of the generators as being part of a plant association...
    // This may or may not be true. Need to filter out partially associated
    // plants in the next step.
    gens["plant_assn"] = gens.plant_assn.fillna(value=True)

    // Using the associtated plants, extract the generator/boiler combos
    // that represent complete plants at any time to preserve
    // associations (i.e. if a coal plant had its boilers and generators
    // fully associated in the bga table in 2011 and then adds a
    // combined cycle plant the coal boiler/gen combo will be saved).

    // Remove the report_date:
    gens_complete = gens.drop("report_date", axis=1)
    // Select only those generators tagged as being part of a complete plant:
    gens_complete = gens_complete[gens_complete["plant_assn"]]

    gens_complete = gens_complete.drop_duplicates(subset=["plant_id_eia",
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: catalyst-cooperative/pudl
Commit Name: 6ddae2b8726783558d02b936ebbf84736252f063
Time: 2017-11-28
Author: zane.selvans@catalyst.coop
File Name: pudl/mcoe.py
Class Name:
Method Name: gens_with_bga

Commit Name: 5b4d04de17457286fe4e5f3e0e8295db42d0f064
Time: 2020-04-05
Author: 11652964@qq.com
File Name: QUANTAXIS/QAFetch/QAQuery.py
Class Name:
Method Name: QA_fetch_index_min

Commit Name: 4113a6a3be19167a8c551f8ae20e849ac851e52c
Time: 2019-03-25
Author: zhongjy1992@outlook.com
File Name: QUANTAXIS/QAFetch/QAQuery.py
Class Name:
Method Name: QA_fetch_index_day