
Before Change

student = Student("Johnny Doe", 2, "boy")
scores = dict(zip(testNames,
                  (Score(v, p) for v, p in
                   zip(["7", "48", "12:52", "17", "14"],
                       np.round(np.random.uniform(0, 1,
                                                  len(testNames))*100, 0)))))
cohort_size = 62  // The number of other 2nd grade boys

After Change

autolabel(rects1, "left")
autolabel(rects2, "right")


// This example comes from an application in which grade school gym
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: matplotlib/matplotlib
Commit Name: 5608ac37feb7fad002c0e030ba30f4924e8c1fc1
Time: 2018-09-24
Author: anntzer.lee@gmail.com
File Name: examples/statistics/barchart_demo.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: matplotlib/matplotlib
Commit Name: ac69b1035a42e47798e4ea7167f616754be49452
Time: 2020-05-01
Author: toddrjen@gmail.com
File Name: examples/ticks_and_spines/tick-formatters.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: matplotlib/matplotlib
Commit Name: 1a2b58abca64976aa89ccaf97e4b229bd722ca28
Time: 2017-05-10
Author: patniharshit@gmail.com
File Name: tutorials/colors/colorbar_only.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: NVIDIA/OpenSeq2Seq
Commit Name: 7d750dedf449ed4a10db1910ddf102826579b283
Time: 2018-08-17
Author: jasoli@nvidia.com
File Name: open_seq2seq/models/text2speech.py
Class Name:
Method Name: plot_spectrograms