
Before Change

  total_training_cycle = (flags_obj.train_epochs //
  for cycle_index in range(total_training_cycle):
    tf.logging.info("Starting a training cycle: %d/%d",
                    cycle_index, total_training_cycle)

After Change

    //   Train for 10 epochs and then evaluate.
    //   Train for another 10 epochs and then evaluate.
    //   Train for a final 5 epochs (to reach 25 epochs) and then evaluate.
    n_loops = math.ceil(flags_obj.train_epochs / flags_obj.epochs_between_evals)
    schedule = [flags_obj.epochs_between_evals for _ in range(int(n_loops))]
    schedule[-1] = flags_obj.train_epochs - sum(schedule[:-1])  // over counting.

  for cycle_index, num_train_epochs in enumerate(schedule):
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: tensorflow/models
Commit Name: d1c48afcd0ca503bf8a320cfe862eed04217c68d
Time: 2018-08-27
Author: taylorrobie@google.com
File Name: official/resnet/resnet_run_loop.py
Class Name:
Method Name: resnet_main

Project Name: PyMVPA/PyMVPA
Commit Name: 4e07e1dd793e934725e636659bb3e2a12d71186d
Time: 2008-07-25
Author: debian@onerussian.com
File Name: tests/test_rfe.py
Class Name: RFETests
Method Name: testFeatureSelectionPipeline

Project Name: iskandr/fancyimpute
Commit Name: ea80e4bf2033628822e2b0f92e2e373d1b3c147b
Time: 2015-12-31
Author: alex.rubinsteyn@gmail.com
File Name: fancyimpute/auto_encoder.py
Class Name:
Method Name: make_network