
Before Change

        the base distribution (or the output of a previous transform)

        return x[..., self.permutation]

    def _inverse(self, y):
        :param y: the output of the bijection

After Change

        the base distribution (or the output of a previous transform)

        return x.index_select(self.dim, self.permutation)

    def _inverse(self, y):
        :param y: the output of the bijection
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: uber/pyro
Commit Name: d3510f8315f4c0e1f2e9a1c0990379f034259bef
Time: 2020-05-22
Author: info@stefanwebb.me
File Name: pyro/distributions/transforms/permute.py
Class Name: Permute
Method Name: _call

Project Name: allenai/allennlp
Commit Name: c54c430da19670cb030e32558b6810d04767dd99
Time: 2017-08-03
Author: markn@allenai.org
File Name: allennlp/modules/seq2seq_encoders/pytorch_seq2seq_wrapper.py
Class Name: PytorchSeq2SeqWrapper
Method Name: forward

Project Name: uber/pyro
Commit Name: d3510f8315f4c0e1f2e9a1c0990379f034259bef
Time: 2020-05-22
Author: info@stefanwebb.me
File Name: pyro/distributions/transforms/permute.py
Class Name: Permute
Method Name: _inverse