Before Change
logger.info("Tidying the EIA 861 Sales table.")
// Clean up values just enough to use primary key columns as a multi-index:
logger.debug("Cleaning up EIA861 Sales index columns so we can tidy data.")
clean_sales = (
.assign(balancing_authority_code_eia=lambda x: x.balancing_authority_code_eia.fillna("UNK"))
.query("utility_id_eia not in (88888, 99999)")
.astype({"utility_id_eia": pd.Int64Dtype()})
// Split the table into index, data, and "denormalized" columns for processing:
// Separate customer classes and reported data into a hierarchical index
logger.debug("Stacking EIA861 Sales data columns by customer class.")
data_cols = _filter_customer_cols(clean_sales, CUSTOMER_CLASSES)
After Change
// Pre-tidy clean specific to sales table
raw_sales = (
.query("utility_id_eia not in (88888, 99999)")
// Tidy Data:

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 4
Project Name: catalyst-cooperative/pudl
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Time: 2020-06-24
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File Name: src/pudl/transform/eia861.py
Class Name:
Method Name: sales
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Time: 2017-11-28
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File Name: w3af/plugins/grep/wsdl_greper.py
Class Name: wsdl_greper
Method Name: analyze_wsdl
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Time: 2019-11-05
Author: jcuquemelle@gmail.com
File Name: mlflow/store/tracking/sqlalchemy_store.py
Class Name: SqlAlchemyStore
Method Name: _search_runs