Before Change
if downsample is None and stride == 1:
gm = BottleneckSub(inplanes // 2, planes // 2, stride, noactivation)
fm = BottleneckSub(inplanes // 2, planes // 2, stride, noactivation)
self.revblock = ReversibleBlock(gm, fm)
self.bottleneck_sub = BottleneckSub(inplanes, planes, stride, noactivation)
self.downsample = downsample
self.stride = stride
After Change
if downsample is None and stride == 1:
gm = BottleneckSub(inplanes // 2, planes // 2, stride, noactivation)
fm = BottleneckSub(inplanes // 2, planes // 2, stride, noactivation)
coupling = create_coupling(Fm=fm, Gm=gm, coupling="additive")
self.revblock = ReversibleModule(fn=coupling, keep_input=False)
self.bottleneck_sub = BottleneckSub(inplanes, planes, stride, noactivation)
self.downsample = downsample
self.stride = stride

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 3
Project Name: silvandeleemput/memcnn
Commit Name: 1b8b1ee7ac530f74a31a72cd28add5ad5ec37c45
Time: 2019-12-13
Author: silvandeleemput@gmail.com
File Name: memcnn/models/resnet.py
Class Name: RevBottleneck
Method Name: __init__
Project Name: silvandeleemput/memcnn
Commit Name: ca078e83147f95ec7df149ef5eea9b6a8424d3bf
Time: 2019-12-12
Author: silvandeleemput@gmail.com
File Name: memcnn/models/tests/test_revop.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_reversible_module_disabled_versus_enabled
Project Name: silvandeleemput/memcnn
Commit Name: 1b8b1ee7ac530f74a31a72cd28add5ad5ec37c45
Time: 2019-12-13
Author: silvandeleemput@gmail.com
File Name: memcnn/models/resnet.py
Class Name: RevBasicBlock
Method Name: __init__