
Before Change

    aligned1, aligned2, score, seq1_start_position, seq2_start_position = \
        _traceback(traceback_matrix, score_matrix, seq1, seq2,
                   seq1_end_position, seq2_end_position)
    return aligned1, aligned2, score, seq1_start_position, seq2_start_position

// Functions from here allow for generalized (global or local) alignment. I
// will likely want to put these in a single object to make the naming a little
// less clunky.

After Change


    end_row_position = traceback_matrix.shape[0] - 1
    end_col_position = traceback_matrix.shape[1] - 1

    aligned1, aligned2, score, seq1_start_position, seq2_start_position = \
        _traceback(traceback_matrix, score_matrix, seq1, seq2,
                   end_row_position, end_col_position)
    start_end_positions = [(seq1_start_position, end_col_position-1),
                           (seq2_start_position, end_row_position-1)]
    result = Alignment(
        [BiologicalSequence(aligned1, id=0),
         BiologicalSequence(aligned2, id=1)],
        score=score, start_end_positions=start_end_positions)
    return result

// Functions from here allow for generalized (global or local) alignment. I
// will likely want to put these in a single object to make the naming a little
// less clunky.
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: biocore/scikit-bio
Commit Name: 36c8e0b8b19bdb0ab611873c0fd0c6134072d109
Time: 2014-06-23
Author: gregcaporaso@gmail.com
File Name: skbio/core/alignment/pairwise.py
Class Name:
Method Name: global_pairwise_align

Project Name: biocore/scikit-bio
Commit Name: a17d0725f0883ca835800b2645b05c6f29703fbd
Time: 2014-08-05
Author: gregcaporaso@gmail.com
File Name: skbio/core/alignment/pairwise.py
Class Name:
Method Name: global_pairwise_align

Project Name: biocore/scikit-bio
Commit Name: 36c8e0b8b19bdb0ab611873c0fd0c6134072d109
Time: 2014-06-23
Author: gregcaporaso@gmail.com
File Name: skbio/core/alignment/pairwise.py
Class Name:
Method Name: local_pairwise_align

Project Name: biocore/scikit-bio
Commit Name: a17d0725f0883ca835800b2645b05c6f29703fbd
Time: 2014-08-05
Author: gregcaporaso@gmail.com
File Name: skbio/core/alignment/pairwise.py
Class Name:
Method Name: local_pairwise_align