
Before Change

  conclusion_args = set(conclusion_terms[1:])
  candidate_premises = []
  for premise in premises:
    premise_terms = [p.strip(")(") for p in premise.split()[2:]]
    premise_args = set(premise_terms[1:])
    logging.debug("Conclusion args: " + str(conclusion_args) + \
                  "\nPremise args: " + str(premise_args))

After Change

  in common with the conclusion.
  candidate_premises = []
  conclusion = re.sub(r"\?([0-9]+)", r"?x\1", conclusion)
  conclusion_args = get_tree_pred_args(conclusion, is_conclusion=True)
  if conclusion_args is None:
    return candidate_premises
  for premise_line in premises:
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 2


Project Name: mynlp/ccg2lambda
Commit Name: f91c6aaadfed8c6dc7ee58f459c4aa369fcba882
Time: 2017-01-12
Author: pascual@nii.ac.jp
File Name: scripts/abduction_tools.py
Class Name:
Method Name: GetPremisesThatMatchConclusionArgs

Project Name: nltk/nltk
Commit Name: 5e233859c5fef3c6c5059fe0f8e201b9f67b4e67
Time: 2019-05-07
Author: alvations@gmail.com
File Name: nltk/corpus/reader/wordnet.py
Class Name: WordNetCorpusReader
Method Name: _synset_from_pos_and_line

Project Name: has2k1/plotnine
Commit Name: 8add320a0a507a4118f140e0fd45811a87ab8dc1
Time: 2016-07-16
Author: has2k1@gmail.com
File Name: ggplot/aes.py
Class Name:
Method Name: strip_dots