
Before Change

            // We"ll add the feature maps to a collection. In the paper they use
            // one of vgg16"s layers as a feature map, so we start by adding it.
            tf.add_to_collection("FEATURE_MAPS", base_net_endpoints[
                scope + "/vgg_16/conv4/conv4_3"]

            // TODO: check that the usage of `padding="VALID"` is correct
            // TODO: check that the 1x1 convs actually use relu

After Change

            // predictors.
            with tf.variable_scope(vgg_conv4_3_name + "_norm"):
                inputs_shape = vgg_conv4_3.get_shape()
                inputs_rank = inputs_shape.ndims
                dtype = vgg_conv4_3.dtype.base_dtype

                norm_dim = tf.range(inputs_rank - 1, inputs_rank)
                params_shape = inputs_shape[-1:]

                vgg_conv4_3_norm = tf.nn.l2_normalize(
                    vgg_conv4_3, norm_dim, epsilon=1e-12

                // Post scaling.
                scale = variables.model_variable(
                    "gamma", shape=params_shape, dtype=dtype,

                vgg_conv4_3_norm = tf.multiply(vgg_conv4_3_norm, scale)

            tf.add_to_collection("FEATURE_MAPS", vgg_conv4_3_norm)

            // TODO: check that the usage of `padding="VALID"` is correct
            // TODO: check that the 1x1 convs actually use relu
            // Modifications to vgg16
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: tryolabs/luminoth
Commit Name: b039cceb43f0575c863f9a36d5143bb43fe44678
Time: 2018-03-20
Author: psoto23.ps@gmail.com
File Name: luminoth/models/base/ssd_feature_extractor.py
Class Name: SSDFeatureExtractor
Method Name: _build

Project Name: NifTK/NiftyNet
Commit Name: 09f72ac06873b4069b8fddad769be3f1148a5791
Time: 2017-08-10
Author: wenqi.li@ucl.ac.uk
File Name: niftynet/application/segmentation_application.py
Class Name: SegmentationApplication
Method Name: connect_data_and_network

Project Name: tensorflow/transform
Commit Name: 998b0e8f1c3ec165fc1ca7b6421c96b1c72ec297
Time: 2018-05-30
Author: tf-transform-dev@google.com
File Name: tensorflow_transform/analyzers.py
Class Name:
Method Name: uniques