Before Change
Tensor with shape (num_bboxes, 4), with the adjusted bboxes.
// We normalize bounding boxes points.
bboxes_float = tf.to_float(bboxes)
x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = tf.unstack(bboxes_float, axis=1)
x_min = x_min / old_width
y_min = y_min / old_height
x_max = x_max / old_width
After Change
// x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = np.split(bboxes, 4, axis=1)
// import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
x_min = bboxes[:, 0] / old_width
y_min = bboxes[:, 1] / old_height
x_max = bboxes[:, 2] / old_width
y_max = bboxes[:, 3] / old_height

Frequency: 4
Non-data size: 4
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Time: 2018-03-20
Author: joaquin.alori@gmail.com
File Name: luminoth/models/ssd/ssd_utils.py
Class Name:
Method Name: adjust_bboxes
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Time: 2017-10-26
Author: wenqi.li@ucl.ac.uk
File Name: niftynet/layer/resampler.py
Class Name: ResamplerLayer
Method Name: _resample_inv_dst_weighting
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Time: 2017-11-01
Author: rhudor@gmail.com
File Name: examples/opensets/mnist_model2.py
Class Name: MyModel
Method Name: _build
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Commit Name: 2ef5a2c1e0ffc0fd8932debd03ab6a9e484957a2
Time: 2017-09-26
Author: fartash@google.com
File Name: cleverhans/utils_tf.py
Class Name:
Method Name: model_eval