Before Change
edge_probs = (self.edge_logits - shift).exp()
adjacency = torch.zeros(V, V, dtype=edge_probs.dtype)
adjacency[grid[0], grid[1]] = edge_probs
adjacency[grid[1], grid[0]] = edge_probs
laplacian = adjacency.sum(-1).diag() - adjacency
truncated = laplacian[:-1, :-1]
After Change
// See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirchhoff%27s_theorem
V = self.num_vertices
v1, v2 = make_complete_graph(V).unbind(0)
logits = self.edge_logits.new_full((V, V), -math.inf)
logits[v1, v2] = self.edge_logits
logits[v2, v1] = self.edge_logits
log_diag = logits.logsumexp(-1)
// Numerically stabilize so that laplacian has 1"s on the diagonal.
shift = 0.5 * log_diag
laplacian = torch.eye(V) - (logits - shift - shift[:, None]).exp()
truncated = laplacian[:-1, :-1]
import gpytorch

Frequency: 4
Non-data size: 4
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Class Name:
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