
Before Change

                                                            name = name,
                                                            field_type = "string",
                    db(current.s3db.s3_field.id == other_id).update(label = other)
                    question_settings["other_id"] = other_id
                    question.update_record(settings = question_settings)
                    // @ToDo: Call onaccept if this starts doing anything other than just setting "master"

After Change

                                                                   limitby = (0, 1)
                    mobile_settings["other"] = other_field.name
                    // Update the Dynamic Field with the current label
                    other_field.update_record(label = other)
                    // @ToDo: Call onaccept if this starts doing anything other than just setting "master"
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: sahana/eden
Commit Name: 86b0720a78db81ce102f0ada03327757a294a8f8
Time: 2019-09-02
Author: fran@aidiq.com
File Name: modules/s3db/dc.py
Class Name: DataCollectionTemplateModel
Method Name: dc_question_onaccept

Project Name: sahana/eden
Commit Name: f26a148a09e7651f5c648b505f2d9d02c346e589
Time: 2020-01-22
Author: dominic@nursix.org
File Name: modules/s3/s3payments.py
Class Name: S3PaymentService
Method Name: adapter

Project Name: sahana/eden
Commit Name: 2e268c86eee6a1753d16afe23388c9f26dd0f7ca
Time: 2020-01-27
Author: fran@aidiq.com
File Name: modules/s3db/setup.py
Class Name: S3AWSCloudModel
Method Name: setup_aws_server_ondelete