Before Change
// Generates a NAx4 matrix of anchor boxes in (x1, y1, x2, y2) format. Anchors
// are centered on stride / 2, have (approximate) sqrt areas of the specified
// sizes, and aspect ratios as given.
cell_anchors = generate_anchors(
scales=np.array(sizes, dtype=np.float) / stride,
ratios=np.array(ratios, dtype=np.float))
// anchors are intbox here.
// anchors at featuremap [0,0] are centered at fpcoor (8,8) (half of stride)
field_size = int(np.ceil(max_size / stride))
After Change
w = np.sqrt(sz * sz / ratio)
h = ratio * w
anchors.append([-w, -h, w, h])
cell_anchors = np.asarray(anchors) * 0.5
field_size = int(np.ceil(max_size / stride))
shifts = (np.arange(0, field_size) * stride).astype("float32")
shift_x, shift_y = np.meshgrid(shifts, shifts)

Frequency: 5
Non-data size: 4
Project Name: tensorpack/tensorpack
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Time: 2019-05-28
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File Name: examples/FasterRCNN/data.py
Class Name:
Method Name: get_all_anchors
Project Name: scipy/scipy
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Time: 2013-04-04
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Class Name:
Method Name: _minimize_tnc
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Time: 2016-07-11
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Class Name:
Method Name: compute_density
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Time: 2013-01-31
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Method Name: __init__
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Time: 2020-03-02
Author: karp2601@dinf-0051-05b.DInf.fsci.usherbrooke.ca
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Class Name:
Method Name: mask_for_response_ssst