
Before Change

        for index, _ in enumerate(tqdm(landmarks, desc="Aligning...", file=sys.stdout)):
            face = queue_manager.get_queue("out").get()
            landmarks[index] = np.array(face["detected_faces"][0].landmarks_xy)

        return filename_list, image_list, landmarks

After Change

        // TODO thread the put to queue so we don"t have to put and get at the same time
        // Or even better, set up a proper background loader from disk (i.e. use lib.image.ImageIO)
        for idx, feed in enumerate(tqdm(feed_list, desc="Aligning...", file=sys.stdout)):
            landmarks[idx] = next(extractor.detected_faces()).detected_faces[0].landmarks_xy

        return filename_list, image_list, landmarks
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: deepfakes/faceswap
Commit Name: 8f5a7a653528fd887a6106e610964a01591ed09c
Time: 2019-11-29
Author: 36920800+torzdf@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: tools/sort.py
Class Name: Sort
Method Name: _get_landmarks

Project Name: pantsbuild/pants
Commit Name: c8dfeadbf86dfcf666f5341af97cb6ec894c44d0
Time: 2017-02-05
Author: wangpeiyu@gmail.com
File Name: src/python/pants/engine/subsystem/native.py
Class Name: ExternContext
Method Name: put

Project Name: Ambrosys/glyph
Commit Name: ffa0db4fdca9cef31a72b35a1f7eef78733f5b0c
Time: 2017-02-24
Author: mquade@uni-potsdam.de
File Name: glyph/cli/glyph_remote.py
Class Name: RemoteAssessmentRunner
Method Name: evaluate_single

Project Name: stratosphereips/StratosphereLinuxIPS
Commit Name: cec514371dfd11bb36c57eaa7599738d88ea8ba4
Time: 2019-01-26
Author: eldraco@gmail.com
File Name: slips/core/database.py
Class Name: Database
Method Name: setEvidenceForTW