Before Change
different = [
["What is the air speed velocity of an unlaiden swallow?", "How many miles from Plymouth UK, to Boston"],
["Why is Plymouth in Boston called Plymouth", "Why is it so dificult to come up with fake questions?"],
["Does america love fake news or does fake news love america?", "What came first the chicken or the egg?"],
["Why does this test keep failing?", "What is madison doing right now?"],
After Change
model = Comparison(**self.default_config(n_epochs=3))
// fake dataset generation
animals = ["dog", "cat", "horse", "cow", "pig", "sheep", "goat", "chicken", "guinea pig", "donkey", "turkey", "duck", "camel", "goose", "llama", "rabbit", "fox"]
numbers = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen"]
n_per = 50
similar = []
different = []
for dataset in [animals, numbers]:
for i in range(n_per // 2):
similar.append([random.choice(dataset), random.choice(dataset)])
for i in range(n_per):
different.append([random.choice(animals), random.choice(numbers)])
targets = np.asarray(["similar"] * len(similar) + ["different"] * len(different))
data = similar + different

Frequency: 4
Non-data size: 5
Project Name: IndicoDataSolutions/finetune
Commit Name: ebd4b7270378004fd06c74ee9350ad6ff1b04105
Time: 2018-07-30
Author: madison@indico.io
File Name: tests/test_comparison.py
Class Name: TestComparison
Method Name: test_reasonable_predictions
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Commit Name: de075d7161af483f0d76724028166d6a5de75dd5
Time: 2017-08-28
Author: mikkel@255bits.com
File Name: hypergan/search/random_search.py
Class Name: RandomSearch
Method Name: loss
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Time: 2018-07-24
Author: kristian.hartikainen@gmail.com
File Name: softlearning/environments/image_pusher.py
Class Name: ImageForkReacherEnv
Method Name: reset
Project Name: ray-project/ray
Commit Name: 088f8ebb69e21c7759af44c6d207a266f4a5d175
Time: 2020-09-07
Author: krfricke@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: python/ray/tune/examples/skopt_example.py
Class Name:
Method Name: