if (verbose):
sys.stdout.write("\tChecking to see if heroku is logged in...")
res = os.popen("heroku create app").read()
if res == "Enter your Heroku credentials:\n":
raise Exception("You are not logged in to Heroku. Run "heroku login""
" from the command line and follow the instructions. "
"If you need to create an account. Don"t forget to add "
After Change
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write("\tChecking to see if heroku is logged in...")
res = gr_utils.exec_os_cmd("heroku create app")
if res == "Enter your Heroku credentials:\n":
raise Exception("You are not logged in to Heroku. Run "heroku login""
" from the command line and follow the instructions. "
"If you need to create an account. Don"t forget to add "