
Before Change

            <h3>Distance: %s</h3>
             % dm.capitalize()
        for ds in sorted_datasets:
            for idd in sorted([e for e in datasets.keys() \
                    if e.split("_")[0] == ds and e.split("_")[-1] == dm], \
                    key = lambda elem: int(elem.split("_")[1])):
                ds_name = query_info[idd]["dataset"] + " (k = " + \
                    str(query_info[idd]["count"]) + ")"
                output_str += 
            <a href="./%(name)s.html">
            <div class="row" id="%(name)s">
                <div class = "col-md-4 bg-success">
                <div class = "col-md-8">
                    <img class = "img-responsive" src="%(name)s.png" />
            <hr />
        % { "desc" : ds_name, "name" : idd }
    output_str += 
        <h2 id="algorithms">Results by Algorithm</h2>
        <ul class="list-inline"><b>Algorithms:</b>
    algorithm_names = algorithms.keys()

After Change

            <h3>Distance: %s</h3>
             % dm.capitalize()
        for ds in sorted_datasets:
            matching_datasets = [e for e in datasets.keys() \
                    if get_dataset_from_desc(e) == ds and \
                       get_distance_from_desc(e) == dm]
            sorted_matches = sorted(matching_datasets, \
                    key = lambda e: int(get_count_from_desc(e)))
            for idd in sorted_matches:
                ds_name = get_dataset_from_desc(idd) + " (k = " + \
                    get_count_from_desc(idd) + ")"
                output_str += get_row_desc(idd, ds_name)
    output_str += 
        <h2 id="algorithms">Results by Algorithm</h2>
        <ul class="list-inline"><b>Algorithms:</b>
    algorithm_names = algorithms.keys()
    for algo in algorithm_names:
        output_str += "<li><a href="//%(name)s">%(name)s</a></li>" % {"name" : algo}
    output_str += "</ul>"
    for algo in algorithm_names:
        output_str += get_row_desc(algo, algo)
    output_str += get_index_footer()

    with open(args.outputdir + "index.html", "w") as text_file:
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: erikbern/ann-benchmarks
Commit Name: b8732f422d71819a250bd33e958766c4a709fbff
Time: 2018-02-24
Author: maau@itu.dk
File Name: create_website.py
Class Name:
Method Name: build_index

Project Name: ClimbsRocks/auto_ml
Commit Name: aae3c2048e8fb54452087b2fa9ef66cb133a8a23
Time: 2016-08-10
Author: ClimbsBytes@gmail.com
File Name: auto_ml/predictor.py
Class Name: Predictor
Method Name: ml_for_analytics

Project Name: GoogleCloudPlatform/python-docs-samples
Commit Name: 3397e6bfd55584c62d64911ecdaf588ca3469b79
Time: 2020-04-01
Author: 31518063+kurtisvg@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: noxfile-template.py
Class Name:
Method Name: