
Before Change

            raise NotFittedError("This PHATE instance is not fitted yet. Call "
                                 ""fit" with appropriate arguments before "
                                 "using this method.")
        elif self.X is not None and X is not None and not np.all(X == self.X):
            sklearn.BaseEstimator assumes out-of-sample transformations are
            possible. We explicitly test for this in case the user is not aware

After Change

            raise NotFittedError("This PHATE instance is not fitted yet. Call "
                                 ""fit" with appropriate arguments before "
                                 "using this method.")
        elif X is not None and not np.all(X == self.X):
            // fit to external data
            if isinstance(self.graph, graphtools.TraditionalGraph):
                raise ValueError("Cannot transform additional data using a "
                                 "precomputed distance matrix.")
                transitions = self.graph.extend_to_data(X)
                return self.graph.interpolate(self.embedding,
            if self.t == "auto":
                t = self.optimal_t(t_max=t_max, plot=plot_optimal_t, ax=ax)
                print("Automatically selected t = {}".format(t))
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: KrishnaswamyLab/PHATE
Commit Name: c39832f06579a6a4e4680ac5f2f2d80cce8e28a7
Time: 2018-04-29
Author: scottgigante@gmail.com
File Name: Python/phate/phate.py
Class Name: PHATE
Method Name: transform

Project Name: sony/nnabla-examples
Commit Name: 56926bc8b4a158e1c40cddbc795303bc6a66f44d
Time: 2019-05-23
Author: sukriti.mehrotra@sony.com
File Name: semantic-segmentation/deeplabv3plus/train.py
Class Name:
Method Name: get_model

Project Name: open-mmlab/mmdetection
Commit Name: 50ffa2482c5e1dfa53b0a227fb8fa25d8dbc59da
Time: 2020-05-24
Author: wangxinjiang@sensetime.com
File Name: mmdet/models/necks/fpn.py
Class Name: FPN
Method Name: forward